Events where startups pitch to investors (often known as “Demo Days”) have moved online in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Fantastic Beasts platform was launched in May 2020 to aggregate recorded pitches from the founders presenting at such Demo Day events, globally.
The result is a single destination site so that new ventures are more easily discoverable by angel, VC and EIS/Seed EIS investors.
Today, we are pleased to launch PitchChannel(TM) (www.FantasticBeasts.TV/PitchChannel) our single destination site for live streaming pitch events. PitchChannel helps event organisers to reach a wider investor audience and helps investors to easily discover and attend live pitch events with a single one-time registration. Laid out for easy browsing much like a TV guide, currently live events can be accessed immediately while future events can be added to the user’s calendar.
The new service launches with the participation of Austin, Texas-headquartered NewChip Accelerator, and Pan-Africa platform Start-up Lounge, together with showcasing – live – some 200 start-ups from 25 countries over the next two weeks.
Chief Content Officer Benny Lee commented “We think of PitchChannel as Netflix for pitches. Easy access to the early-stage ecosystems around the world gives investors unprecedented intelligence for either investment or benchmarking of opportunities in their local region against international peers and competitors.”
“Over the months ahead, we aim to build the platform to livestream pitch events around the clock, around the world”.
The platform is free of charge for investors.